When complete in December 2023, this project for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) will provide redundant effluent pumping capacity at the North Shore Pump Station (NSPS) during wet weather. The project is the first of many across its jurisdiction and replaces four (4) existing dry weather pumps with larger capacity units so that they can pump redundant capacity during wet weather. The project also includes upgrades to the motor control centers (MCCs) and distributed control system (DCS). In addition, HVAC, mechanical, electrical, and architectural work is included for the DCS Server Room, Building 930 of the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant. When operational, this project will ensure reliable and efficient operations to maintain regulatory compliance.
Because the NSPS had to remain operational during these upgrades, CEI had to ensure highly-coordinated shutdowns were meticulously planned with the SFPUC to take place over a period of eight hours or less.