This new cogeneration plant building at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) houses a single combustion turbine (Solar Mercury 50 CTG) and an associated heat recovery unit (HRU) for electric power and hot water production. Electric power produced by the CTG feeds into the campus's existing 12,000 Volt distribution systems. Hot water produced by the CTG heat exchanger feeds into the campus's existing Central Heat Plant hot water system.
The new, multi-story building is approximately 4,900 square-feet and is designed to meet LEED Silver certification requirements. The building also contains hot water distribution pumps, electrical equipment, a lube oil cooler, emissions monitoring equipment, selective catalytic reduction equipment, piping, control systems and other accessories. A natural gas booster compressor skid, a black-start generator and an isolation transformer were installed on grade due to space limitations within the building.
The plant site was constructed with a focus on limiting the impact of construction on existing plant operations and on reusing as much of the existing plant systems as possible, while minimizing the overall footprint on the proposed site. The existing cogeneration facility remained operational during most of the construction.